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Our 38th Birthday Photo Match!

Saturday 21st October marks a wonderful 38 years of DIAL. We take great pride in our achievements over these 38 years, and we look forward to continuing to support disabled people, their families and carers over the years to come. A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us, from our dedicated volunteers, to local businesses and funders who have aided us in our vision of a community that is truly inclusive.


To celebrate our 38th Birthday with you, we organised a fun Birthday Photo Match competition. Congratulations to our winner, who won a £20 Amazon Gift Voucher! We are happy to share the correct photo matches! Could you guess who’s who?


*Competition is now closed*

The first set of correct answers of our Birthday Photo Match. Each throwback image is square and labelled with a number and the corresponding square image of our staff members now, and their names. The answers are: 1 = Charlotte, 2 = Nicola, 3 = Graham, 4 = Kathy, 5 = Hannah, 6 = Stefan, 7 = Eleanor, 8 = Duncan. The image also includes the DIAL logo and the title ‘Birthday Photo Match!’ in the DIAL grey colour and handwritten-style font. Bunting in DIAL colours also hangs across the top of the image, with a DIAL orange banner with the text ‘Correct Answers’ and a DIAL grey stripe across the bottom.
The second set of correct answers of our Birthday Photo Match. Each throwback image is square and labelled with a number and the corresponding square image of our staff members now, and their names. The answers are: 9 = Jill, 10 = Dave, 11 = Sue, 12 = Aimi, 13 = Jeff, 14 = Sharon, 15 = Jo, 16 = Paula, 17 = Nigel. The image also includes a DIAL orange speech bubble with the text ‘Congratulations to our winner! How well did you do?’ and a DIAL grey stripe across the bottom.
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