Event Details

Time Together – Women’s Group

Join us for our Time Together Women’s Group! If you live in the Central Area, come along to enjoy the company of like-minded ladies over a cuppa. Make new friends, take part in activities and offer mutual support. If you fancy joining us, just pop by!What is Time Together? Time Together is a Timebanking project, where people who live in the Central Area help each other by swapping skills. Led by local people, members can exchange and trade their skills and time - one hour at a time. So for every hour you spend helping someone else, you can get an hour in return for someone to help you!When: Wednesday 5th February, 11am - 1pm.
Where: Stronger Together Hub, DIAL Office, 3rd Floor, McLintocks, Summer Lane, S70 2NZ.Interested? Get in touch with Jo by phone on 07843 594308 or by email at jo.stanley-cook@dialbarnsley.org.uk.Thanks to funding from Barnsley Council and Central Area Council. The poster includes an image of two women sitting in our Stronger Together Hub having a cuppa and DIAL branding.

date    Date
date    Time
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
date    Location
Stronger Together Hub, DIAL Office
McLintock's Building. Summer Lane, Barnsley, S70 2NZ
organiser    Organiser
DIAL Barnsley
07843 594308
Event image