Event Details

Time Together – Coffee Morning

If you live in the Central Area, come along to enjoy a cuppa, have a natter with like-minded people, and arrange to swap your skills with others in the group. If you aren’t already a member but are interested in joining, please stop by!What is Time Together? Time Together is a Timebanking project, where people who live in the Central Area help each other by swapping skills. Led by local people, members can exchange and trade their skills and time - one hour at a time. So for every hour you spend helping someone else, you can get an hour in return for someone to help you!When? Monday 18th November, 11am to 1pm.
Where? Stronger Together Hub, DIAL Office, McLintocks, Summer Lane, S70 2NZ.Interested? Get in touch with Jo by phone on 07843 594308 or by email at jo.stanley-cook@dialbarnsley.org.uk.Thanks to funding from Barnsley Council and Central Area Council. The poster includes an image of people walking in the Barnsley countryside and DIAL branding.

date    Date
date    Time
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
date    Location
Stronger Together Hub, DIAL Office
McLintock's Building. Summer Lane, Barnsley, S70 2NZ
organiser    Organiser
DIAL Barnsley
07843 594308
Event image